Lend A Loan For Making People Lives Better
Hi, today I would like to write about an organization which are actually doing a great thing which will not take anything back from you even though you are giving money. Generally you find sites who ask for donations for increasing the wellness but this website which I am going to tell, is asking people to lend their money on loan so that it will be repaid back. Hence you are not going to loose any money for the help you are going to do. The name of the organization is kiva.org.
Here you are going to lend money for giving better life for the people who are in poverty. By lifting their business to make a living, you can lend some money. Well after some months the amount will be repaid. Each pre screened entrepreneur by kiva.org is hardworking and hopes to create a sustainable livelihood. All they need is a small amount of money. You can donate as small as $25 and you can receive updates and get repaid as the business gets succeed.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
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